Frequently asked questions
We’re your custom builder in Adelaide. Specialising in complete custom home builds, bathroom renovations, home renovations and home extensions. Our goal is to help you realise your dreams of turning your house into a home.
This can vary with each person, some are willing to come up with a plan and design on their own and some are more than happy to have a builder’s expertise from the start. This can be a good idea, especially with new home builds as there tends to be complications and details that the professionals know. This can help in reducing price of the overall build as well as time. We prefer to come into the project as soon as possible to enable you get the maximum results and the best use of your budget.
The majority of building work requires consent, especially with new home builds, some renovations may be exempt. Each stage of the building process whether it be structural, roofing or even moving services all need consent which is why involving a builder early on is beneficial.
It is highly recommended. By using a member of Master Builders and HIA you ensure they are trade qualified and have suitable references.
Renovating a home compared to building a new home is as different as apples and oranges. A renovation starts from an existing house and requires a more detailed process. By using a specialist, you are able use their knowledge and expertise at every stage from design to material selections.
Yes, with KJEO you’ll receive our personal 10-year build guarantee and all of our standard manufacturer’s guarantees. We’ll maintain constant communication with you throughout the building, ensuring your home is built on time and to the agreed budget.
Still have more questions?
The next steps: Where to go from here?

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